Tilda wirkt gleich ganz anders, finde ich.
Mich würde interessieren, wie ihr meine afrikanische Tilda findet.
Der Sketch ist vom Sketch and Stash Challenge Blog, das Thema bei A Spoon Full of Sugar lautet diese Woche:
"Love is in the Air" und bei der Saturday Challenge lautet das Thema: "1,2,3...1 image, 2 papers and 3 embellishments."
Da nicht angegeben war, ob 3 gleiche Embellishments oder 3 verschiedene, habe ich jetzt 3 verschiedene (Charm, Band, Halbperlen) genommen.
In echt passt die Farbe von Tildas Anzug zum Papier...
The new stash is the beautiful paper from Papermania i get this week from Ebay.uk.
I love it...!
I real the color of Tildas dress fits perfectly with the paper.

Very beautiful card! Love the paper and the cute image!!!
thanks for joining us this week on SCSC
hugs jane x
Very cute - love ALL those tildas!
She's gorgeous! awesome job Sabine!!
awwwwwww...so sweet!!!!
I LUVAH her! How adorable! Love that double heart charm...too cute!
Fabulous card,
gorgeous card love the colours thanks for joining us at scsc hugs Jill x
Such a cute card.
Lovely card and beautifully embellished, thanks for joining us at SCSC this week :) Donna x
Ich finde sie absolut süss, sieht wirklich ganz anders aus! *merkenmuss*
LG Tanja
OMG! That is adorable!
great card and love the sketch!
Just adorable. Love the card and that little heart charm is incredible. Beautiful coloring!
Such a sweet card
hugs Bev x
What a sweet card , I love these papers and the way they match your colouring.
Thanks you for joining in with Sketch and Stash.
What a beautiful card, and love your new papers!
Thanks so much for joining in the fun!
Love Becky xx
You did a fantastic job with this card! I love your color choices and the DP you used.
Great sketch! Nice job!
Die sieht total witzig aus. Finde das Kärtchen total schön!
LG Kati
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